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Concussions: What We Know Now...


Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Between 1.7 and 3 million sports and recreation-related concussions happen each year. A concussion, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury, is caused by a direct or indirect blow to the head or body. The impact causes your brain to rapidly move back and forth inside the skull. This results in chemical changes in the brain and cellular death.

Symptoms following a concussion vary from person to person. Just like there are different injuries that may occur in the knee joint, there are different types of concussions. The 6 different types of concussions are: Cognitive, Vestibular, Ocular, Migraine, Cervical, and Anxiety/Mood. It is not uncommon for a person to fit into more than one type. Below are common symptoms associated with each type of concussion:

- Cognitive: Confusion, memory loss, concentration problems.

- Vestibular: Dizziness, balance issues, nausea.

- Ocular: Blurred vision, frontal headache, fatigue.

- Migraine: Headache, light sensitivity, nausea.

- Cervical: Neck pain, dizziness, stiffness.

- Anxiety/Mood: Depression, sleep difficulties, anxiety.

Concussion management is improving through research and evidence has shown that an active approach to rehabilitation results in better outcomes compared to just rest. Not participating in rehab after a concussion may lead to continued cellular death and a risk for chronic symptoms. In addition, treatment should focus on the type or types of concussion. Physical therapy can treat many of these symptoms through progression of exercise tolerance, balance exercises, vision training, and vestibular training. For more information or to book an appointment call 207-307-2121.





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